Best Birthday Gift Ever: Baby #2 Is A.......

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Double the trains, double the trucks....
Double the bugs, double the yuck!
Double the snuggles, double the joy...
Thank you Lord for a house full of BOYS!

So how did we share the news? 

We decided to have a small gender reveal with family at Chad's parents ON MY 31st BIRTHDAY, just like we did with Cade's gender reveal except it was at our home. Being that it was my birthday (Chad and I took the day off, went to Greenville shopping and for lunch then had the ultrasound that afternoon) we had a cake ready to pick up at Publix and decided we could somehow reveal the gender with my birthday cake and candles after dinner! My mother in law made her famous chicken stew and it was so yum.

After we all ate dinner, it was time for birthday cake and ice cream right? I lit the candles and explained the instructions. After everyone sang happy birthday to moi, I would blow out a set of candles and the color that remained lit would be what we were having!

You can't see the cake well but one side was pink and one side blue with a big white ? in the middle

It was time to blow out the candles...which ones would be left? Pink or blue??

Until SURPRISE....ALL the candles were blown out....say whaaaaaaaaaa???


Then ONE color magically RE-LIT (it was suppose to be both blue candles, but whatevs. one was a fluke) and it was BLUE! Aaaaaaaaah! We tricked em' good.
Oh how we love the element of surprise ;)

Everyone went nuts, scared the crap out of Cade, and he was just pissed he didn't get to blow out the candles. Cue the crocodile tears, bless his heart.

Finally, he was able to blow out the last candle. Poor baby! We told him in a few weeks for his own birthday he could blow out ALL the candles...

Everyone looking at the ultrasound...which proved right away it was a boy! 
I told you guys I had a feeling my dad was up there in heaven scheming and had a hand in this. We had always said if we had another boy, we would name him after my dad. Cade is Joshua Cade after Chad, his dad, and granddad so the next one would be Charles ______. Yep, my dad was not gonna let us have a Joshua but not a Charlie. I can see him smiling SO BIG right now and it makes me so happy!! Oh how I miss him so very much...

Cade didn't quite know what to think but once we told him that a brother meant even MORE trucks, nerf guns, and trains in our house, oh he was super pumped.

Holly (Chad's first cousin and my friend since 6th grade) is expecting her second baby boy May 20th and I will be just over a month behind her if I'm really 17 weeks not 15 (that's another boy measured two weeks ahead, was already huge and the u/s lady said my due date should actually be June 23rd. BUT only the doctors can change that as we know, so we shall see)

 Neither of these pregnancies were planned, both huge surprises, but how absolutely meant to be!!!!!! Our laps (and hearts!!) are so full. Thank you Lord for these precious gifts!

That makes SEVEN McClain great-grandBOYS!
Can you believe it? We're working on a baseball team. 

So yes, bring on the Friday night lights, t-ball, scabby little knees, muddy clothes, and more...they may be a mess but nothing is sweeter than the love from these precious boys.
Eeeeeeeeeek, so jacked! Now to come up with a name...
because if you haven't noticed there's a heck of a lot of them already taken! :)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun way to reveal the gender!!! Happy Happy Birthday to you lady & CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How exciting!!!


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